N.J. Republican candidates for governor clash in explosive, chaotic first debate
The candidates repeatedly talked over each other during the almost two-hour debate.
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Editor’s Picks
New Jersey jails are still putting young prisoners in solitary confinement, failing to follow ‘historic’ 2019 law
Most county jails in New Jersey habitually fail to report required information to the state Department of Corrections about their use of solitary confinement, while also still isolating young people, contrary to the law.
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Jersey Vindicator wins $100,000 national grant to support pilot County Chroniclers program
The Jersey Vindicator has been awarded $100,000 from the national movement Press Forward, which seeks to help close persistent coverage news gaps and reinvigorate local news. More than 900 news…
Democracy in peril: Why you should care about the N.J. Open Public Records Act bill
The N.J. Legislature could vote as early as Monday on a bill that would gut the state’s Open Public Records Act.
On Fixing the Open Public Records Act
The following post by Marc Pfeiffer is being republished courtesy of The New Jersey State Policy Lab at Rutgers University. OPRA, the state’s Open Public Records Act, is showing its…