We need to fix OPRA – Let’s start here

We need to fix OPRA – Let’s start here

New Jersey’s 22-year-old Open Public Records Act, OPRA, is an important public policy that has problems. Many of them are related to age, which has exposed difficulties in dealing with new technologies, the commercial demand for data, administrative complexity, costs, privacy concerns, and loopholes. It is widely acknowledged that OPRA needs fixing. Recent legislative hearings…

Help us reach our end-of-year fundraising goal and support more investigative reporting in N.J.

There are only a few days left in our end-of-year fundraising campaign. During this campaign, your donation is matched as part of a national campaign for nonprofit journalism called NewsMatch. Every donation to The Jersey Vindicator up to a total of $15,000 in donations will be matched through Dec. 31. All donations are tax-deductible. Even…